If you’d like to find out more, please see the most frequently asked questions below.

If your question has not been answered here, please contact our National Service Centre at national@younglife.ca or 604-881-6023 ext. 0

Q: Is Young Life only for teens?

Yes, and no!  The focus of Young Life is teens.  However, teens are a part of families and other social institutions.  Therefore, Young Life leaders necessarily relate to parents, schools and churches.  This aspect of Young Life’s influence is becoming more and more important as traditional social structures continue to change.

Q: How does Young Life work with schools?

Where and when welcomed, Young Life leaders care for teenagers by volunteering in junior and senior high schools.  Examples of how leaders are involved include coaching, tutoring, and assisting at school events. If your school has a need, we would love to work with you to fill it.

Q: Do kids need to be Christian to attend Young Life?

No, Young Life is open to every kid.  Our purpose is to help teenagers understand the Christian faith, but they are free to accept or reject that message with no strings attached.

Q: Is a criminal background check a part of the screening process for Young Life staff and volunteers?

Keeping kids safe is a priority for Young Life of Canada. As such, all Young Life staff and volunteer leaders go through a careful screening process that consists of an application, interview(s), character references and criminal background checks.

Q: Who is responsible for Young Life?

Backed by a National Board of Directors, a professionally trained staff coordinates the work across the country.  At the community level, a local committee of concerned adults give valuable assistance in support of leaders, staff budgeting, fundraising and community relations.

Q: How is Young Life funded?

Each local Young Life community has its own budget and is responsible to raise the necessary funds to support itself.  There are no membership fees or dues, and expenses for events are kept to a minimum.  The majority of funding is generated by donations from individuals.  The remaining funds are given by churches, foundations and corporations.  Most donations to Young Life are tax deductible.